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LISA CIESLIK Dollarmask (1987)

PaperObject, 1986
Photo:Pietro Pellini - ©VG Bildkunst


LISA CIESLIK Maskwall (1987)

Installation, Künstlerhaus - Rolandstr., Köln (1987)
Photo:Pietro Pellini - ©VG Bildkunst


LISA CIESLIK Maskwall (1987)

Installation at Gallery Gracie Mansion, N.Y., USA with Al Hansen
Photo:Archiv Lisa Cieslik


LISA CIESLIK 2x12x7 mask installation (1987)

at performance museum Rosanna Chiessie, Reggio Emilia 1987
Photo:Archiv Lisa Cieslik


LISA CIESLIK Performance Malteserhilfsdienst (1986)

at Gallery Hundertmark, Cologne: "Who killed Andy Warhol", happening with Al Hansen
Photo:Pietro Pellini - ©VG Bildkunst


LISA CIESLIK Performance Malteserhilfsdienst (1986)

at Gallery Hundertmark, Cologne: "Who killed Andy Warhol", happening with Al Hansen
Photo:Pietro Pellini - ©VG Bildkunst


LISA CIESLIK Performance Malteserhilfsdienst (1986)

at Gallery Hundertmark, Cologne: "Who killed Andy Warhol", happening with Al Hansen
Photo:Pietro Pellini - ©VG Bildkunst

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